Name Directory Agar Conyngham O’Byrne Alcock Corballis O’Callaghan Annesley Cuffe O’Morchoe Armstrong Damer O’Nolan Aylmer of Donadea de Burgh Otway Aylmer of Balrath de Montmorency Plunkett of Dunsany Bagwell De Renzy Plunkett of Killeen Barker Devereux Ponsonby Barnewall Donovan of Wexford Ponsonby/Barker Barrington Doyne Power of Kilfane Dundas Power of Wexford & Dublin Barton of Tipperary Esmonde Preston of Ardsallagh Bianconi Everard Preston of Gormanston Blacker Fitzgerald Prittie Bligh Flood Ram Blunden Fowler Rowley Bolton Grubb Ryan Boxwell Goff-Davis Goff Sadleir Boyd Hall-Dare Scully Boyse Hamilton Smithwick Brabazon Harvey of Bargy St.George Braddell Harvey of Kyle Taylour Briscoe Hely-Hutchinson Tisdall Bruen Kavanagh Wandesforde Bryan LaTouche Watson Butler of Maidenhall Langford Butler of MountJuliet Langley Butler of Mountgarret Langrishe Butler of Ormonde Loftus of Mount Loftus Butler of Tipperary Mansergh Byrne Mathew Carden Maude Carew McCalmont Cliffe Murphy Colclough Nolan