
Aylmer of Donadea

The first Aylmer of real significance, in terms of land acquisition, was John Aylmer who married Helen Tyrell of Lyons, an heiress, at the end of the 14th century and so the family acquired Lyons Manor in Co. Kildare. He may have been a successful merchant and was descended from a family that had been prominent in the Lyons area since the Norman invasion.[1] In the 13th and 14th century, they intermarried not alone with the Tyrell family of Westmeath but with three major Meath families – the Petits of Piercetown, the Bathes of Dollardstown and the Chevers of Macetown.

[1] Sir Richard Aylmer the 16th Baronet, a Canadian, in a lecture given at Donadea Church in 1992.

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