
Carden of Tipperary

The old Barnane towerhouse, recorded as inhabited in 1654,[1] was used as a dwelling up to about 1750 by the early generations of Cardens of Barnane. The first Carden to settle in Barnane was Jonathan, grandson of ‘the Patriarch’, John Carden, who moved to Tipperary from Cheshire about 1665, and settled in Templemore.Jonathan, as the eldest son, should have inherited Templemore, and it is thought he was disinherited because of his marriage to a Catholic named Bridget Bagot.  It was his younger brother, John, who inherited Templemore and founded the main branch of the Tipperary Cardens. Soon after coming of age Jonathan leased the “castle, town and lands of Barnane”. Jonathan died in 1703 aged only 28, and he bequeathed his estate to his wife and son, John III, who was then only three years of age.

[1] Civil Survey, 1654, Co Tipperary, Vol. 1, p. 24

[2] Carden, The Cardens of Barnane, Part 11,   p. 43.  It has been suggested that the Cardens came from Lincolnshire rather than Cheshire.  Arthur Carden, Carden of Barnane,  Working Draft, p. 8

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