
Annesley – Lords Altham & Valentia

Probably the most astounding and shameful crime ever committed against a juvenile heir, was perpetrated against the young James Annesley by his greedy and covetous uncle Richard Annesley , the 5th Lord Altham, 7th Lord Valentia and 6th Earl of Anglesey, who in 1727 instigated the kidnapping in Dublin of the orphaned boy and had him sold as a slave in America.

When the first Lord Altham died in 1699 his title passed to his son James who became the 2nd Lord Altham, but as he died in infancy he was succeeded by his uncle Rev. Richard Annesley who became the third Lord Altham. Rev Richard died in 1701 and was succeeded by his son Arthur, the fourth Lord Altham. Arthur was the father of the young heir James Annesley who was kidnapped and sold into slavery. Arthur was married to Mary the daughter of the Duke of Buckhighamshire, but after her death he dissipated his wealth by drinking to excess and consorting with immoral women.

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James Annesley

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